Tuesday, June 10, 2008

nexus the first

Okay, here's some stuff:

This is Neg Dupree. There's a show that airs in Britain called Balls of Steel, with a section titled "Neg's Urban Sports". Let us play these games. Anyone interested in bandying together, let me know. I'll hold the camera.
Okay, so in the bag we have Big Stranger Rodeo, Urban Skittles, and Make Them Move. There are many more available, so I urge everyone to take a gander. And when the fluff and feathers have settled, go to YouTube and watch the other videos as well.
These are, of course, a few years old. I spent a little while a few evenings back showcasing this stuff to friends, you know, showing off rediscovered treasures. This is all that you need to start knowing this man. Let him inspire you. Society needs him.

This is an article from Harper's magazine that a friend passed on to me. It's by Johnathan Lethem, and it's about plagiarism. I'm with him on the issue wholeheartedly. 'Originality' is a mirage. A work of art will influence others, who show the work respect by referring, borrowing, transforming, adapting and/or developing it. It cannot be bound by laws of ownership because the moment it enters the public imagination, it belongs to the community. And isn't that why we do what we do? To be remembered?
He makes a good and necessary distinction between piracy and plagiarism as well. I don't think I want to comment on that, because I'm mulling it over at the moment, and it is worthy of thought.
Anyway, here's the essay: The ecstasy of influence: A plagiarism by Johnathan Lethem. I think I'm going to subscribe to Harper's.

Here's a site I found thanks to Warren Ellis, you may notice I've tapped into his blog-feed on the right here. I urge reading him. He's a famous comic book writer, in case you aren't familiar with him. Look him up. I'll give you a little peek - an excerpt from yesterday's post reads:
It was then I knew I had to kill everyone in the city. With my penis.
Don't panic. He was quoting from a story. It's the post titled "Rupture", if anyone's interested.

But anyway, the site I wanted to introduce you to was Ectoplasmosis. Check it out. It's a site full of bizarre pictures, artwork, and whatnot; nothing ordinary. They might be real life images, or they might be generated elsewhere - it's nice not to know. It makes the living world a little more pregnant and promising.

Well, I hope that's enough.
The end. Bugger off.

1 comment:

Madhura said...

you know, that could be a steely ball